"Do it for the Health of It"
Sea Moss Benefits:
*92 minerals of the 102 minerals the body is made of
*It strengthens the bones and the brain
*It also clears out the mucus in the lungs, ideal for someone who smokes or smoked a lot
*Clears out the lungs in order for more oxygen to be inhaled which helps those with severe Asthma
*Aides in better and healthier reproduction pertaining to fertility
*Builds up sperm and eggs
*Filters out germs and bacteria during blood circulation
*The most common cause of Thyroid Abnormalities is Iodine Deficiency, Sea Moss is highly abundant in Iodine, directly feeding the Thyroid
*Speeds up the healing process of torn muscles and joint pains
*Increases blood flow by directly increasing the rate and strength of the heart beat
*Increases the growth rate of
the developing brain cells in the fetus
*Increases the growth rate of
young children
*Plays a major roll in thought and sleep patterns
*Regulates and calms the central nervous system
*Regulates menstrual cycle
*Controls cholesterol levels
*Promotes regular thyroid function
*Safe and great for pregnant women
*High in natural Iron

Great Taste, On Point Customer Service
The sea moss tastes great and gives me alot of energy. Customer service is also on point!
Helped my Mom so Much with Energy during Cancer Treatmemt
My mom and I use sea moss gel on a daily basis. My mom has had the greatest improvement with increased energy following a stent procedure while fighting stage 4 breast cancer and kidney failure. Once the jar is half full mom is requesting another jar. Get a jar today you will not be disappointed.